Rice Purity Test

Rice Purity Test

The Purity Test has historically served as a segue from O-week to true college life at Rice.
It's a voluntary opportunity for O-week groups to bond, and for students to track the maturation
of their experiences throughout college.

Caution: This is not a bucket list. Completion of all items on this test will likely result in death.

Click on every item you have done. MPS stands for Member of the Preferred Sex.

What is Rice Purity Test?

Taking a “Rice Purity Test” was a popular phenomenon among newly enrolled students in Rice University. It’s just one type of various “Purity tests”.

Historically, the earliest confirmed reports of a purity test is Students Undergo A ‘Purity Test’ on Feb 8, 1936, from the The Indian Express.

Why is it called the Rice Purity Test?

Because The Purity Test has traditionally acted as a bridge between O-week and real college life at Rice University. Its name derives from Rice, the word used to refer to Rice University. O-week (Orientation Week) is a period before the start of an academic year at a university or tertiary institutions. Rice’s O-Week is a unique, unforgettable experience that does not exist at any other college.

Rice Purity Score Meaning

Rice Purity Test

What is a good score on Rice Purity Test?

A score between 85 and 91. According to our statistical reports, most people before 25 years old scored between 85 and 91. We don’t want to judge people’s age but most of us agree that youth is so good.

Is Rice Purity Test safe?

Yes and No. It’s so popular that a lot of people have taken it. However, there are some words related to sex actions that your parents may not be happy to read on your screen.

What is the average Rice Purity score?

91.12 for people under 18; 85.26 for people under 25; 75.62 for people under 35; 63.77 for all people.

What is the average Rice Purity score for boys?


What is the average Rice Purity score for girls?


What is special about this Rice Purity Test?

Our Rice Purity Test was designed in late 2019 and launched on Jan 5, 2020, much earlier than most other online rice purity tests. We also keep updating on a regular basis with new content.

There are at least five websites that directly took our content and design so we’re quite confident that we’re doing a good job.

During taking this Rice Purity Test, you will be able to view very interesting stats diving into each question. The data is anonymously collected via Google Analytics. We also provide many insightful stats data about Rice Purity Test.

As the original Rice Purity Test was created dozens of years ago, we made a few changes to make it more compatible with today’s lives. It can also serve as an innocence test to find out how “innocent” you are.